Having your baby during the coronavirus pandemic can seem a little scary but now more than ever, it is important for new parents to feel supported and connected to other new mummies and daddies in the same situation.
There are some really lovely baby classes in Ilkley and the surrounding areas which are the perfect and safe way for your baby to be introduced to the big wide world. We’ve been chatting with the following groups to find out how they have updated their sessions to make them extra safe during Covid19.
Baby Sensory Class
Nicola runs Baby Sensory on Mondays in Menston and on Wednesdays in Ilkley https://www.babysensory.com/bradford-north/
Baby Sensory has been developed specifically to cater for the needs of babies from birth to 13 months and their parents. It draws on current research, the work of theorists, early years experts, and over 30 years of experience, training and networking in the childcare and education sector.
Each Baby Sensory session contains a variety of activities including singing, signing, fibre optic light shows, puppets, bubbles and bells. New and exciting activities are introduced every week.

Here are some Q&A's that explain the changes they’ve made to make it super safe....
Where will we sit?
Each parent and baby will have an individual green or yellow mat to sit on, which will be spaced at 2m apart. These will be cleaned after each session.
What should I wear on my feet?
Shoes should be removed upon entering the hall. Please also bring along a pair of clean socks which can be put on when removing your shoes.
What about props?
Each parent will have a bowl which will contain the pre-sanitised props required for the session. At the end of your session these items will be deep cleaned with anti-viral / anti-bacterial cleaner.
Will we have to wear masks?
Yes, please wear a mask when entering and leaving the class. This can be removed when seated on your mat. However, please put it back on if moving off your mat, unless you have a medical reason not to. Babies and children are exempt from wearing masks. I may also ask you to put masks back on for certain activities.
Will we still have a play area?
No, the play area has been removed for the time being to minimize the chances of spreading any infection.
Will there be a break?
Yes, we will still follow the “play rest, play” natural cycle as it is very important for your baby’s overall development. This will be for a few minutes in the middle of the class.
Can I still bring visitors?
I am afraid not. Our numbers are strictly limited to allow for distancing. These numbers will be reviewed at the end of the first term and each term thereafter unless Government legislation/advice changes. Our terms have been reduced to smaller 6 week blocks rather than committing to 10 week blocks.
Can I bring in my own blanket?
Yes, please do bring your own baby blanket to lie your baby on.
Can I still change my baby?
Yes, please bring your own baby changing mat and all nappies must be taken home. We are not able to dispose of any nappies.
What about hand washing and using hand sanitizer?
We are insisting that all parents and class leaders clean their hands, on entry to the building and exit from the hall or the building. We will provide hand sanitizing stations around each venue.
Can I bring my own hand sanitizer?
Yes, please bring your own hand sanitizer as well as using ours. Bring yours to your seat so it can be used between activities.
Can I still feed my baby?
Yes, however, where possible, breast and bottle feeds only to ensure the environment stays as clean as possible.
Are there any restrictions on what I can bring to class with me?
At this time, please only bring items you need into class with you and, where possible, don’t bring car seats or pushchairs into the venue. Please bring a blanket, a clean pair of socks, hand sanitizer, a mask, items needed to feed and change babies.
What about track and trace information?
Your details will be stored for 21 days after each class to allow for track and trace information, in case we have to share any covid-19 information with authorities. Your details are stored on our electronic registers and comply with GDPR regulations.
What happens if there's another lockdown?
In the event of another lockdown, class will move online. These will be live and not pre recorded, although a recording would be provided also.
Have you had any additional training?
Yes, I have had additional training in COVID-19 Infection Control for Childhood settings.
My aim in bringing back classes is to make everyone feel as safe as possible whilst enjoying and having fun with your baby and making special memories.
Puddle Duck Swimmers
The team at Puddle Duck Swimmers have introduced a number or new steps to ensure everyone remains safe. Here’s a summary of all the steps they are taking including their risk assessment procedure, cleaning and hygiene regimes and temporary changes to the way their lessons will be run.

Arrival time
Please do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes before your lesson starts. This should give you enough time to get poolside and prevents lots of people from waiting around in spaces which may be too small to handle it in the current situation.
Arriving swim-ready
Wherever possible, you and your child should arrive swim-ready at the venue i.e. with your swimming costume/trunks/swim nappy on underneath your clothes. We appreciate that those children still in nappies might need a nappy change just before their lessons. Ideally this can be done in the car before entering the building but if not, please take a change mat with you and make sure you have nappy bags and another bag in which to put the nappy bag to ensure there is no waste left visible at poolside. Please bring only the essentials (keeping valuables to a minimum) and one bag to put everything in as this will be left poolside. We advise that you all bring a change mat that can be rolled up and placed in your bag, especially those of you who have little ones who would normally use a change table or a bench.
There are no spectators allowed at any of our pools to enable us to practice social distancing more effectively. www.puddleducks.com If you require assistance due to a disability (either your own disability or your child’s), then you are able to bring a spectator to help as necessary.
Signing in/Letting us know you are here
As all lessons will have a Poolside Assistant present ticking off registers, the Poolside Assistant will welcome you at the fire exit door and ask you to sanitize your hands upon entry. The Poolside Assistant will be wearing PPE to protect both the customer and themselves.
Changing rooms
Changing rooms are available at this venue for after classes, when you enter the building please go poolside where there will be an area for you to undress and place your clothing in your bag. Please bring your own bag to place yours and your child’s clothes in. Please remain in this area until the Poolside Assistant asks you to make your way down to your class. You will then need to bring your bag with your personal belongings down to the other end of the pool ready for you to collect after class so try and keep your belongings to a minimum.
Entering the pool area
Please sanitize your hands upon entry to the building. The Poolside Assistant will show you where you can do this. Please follow instructions by the Poolside Assistant as we will be using a one-way system so that those entering and exiting the pool do not mingle – please ask the Poolside Assistant if you are unsure of the way.
Exiting the pool area after your lesson
After class please collect your bag from the holding area and enter the changing rooms. The poolside assistant will be on hand to show you where you can get changed. We advise that you bring easy, comfortable clothing for both you and your child – items like onesies might be easiest for children to get changed quickly and keep them warm. We will be asking you to try and leave the building within 10 minutes of your class finishing to ensure we have time to clean prior to the next class arriving.
Let’s talk about babies (baby massage)

Claire has implemented the following steps to ensure her baby massage classes can run safely:
During this pandemic is it vital that we protect the health and wellbeing of each other. By booking you agree to follow the course rules and give us permission to pass on your details to the NHS Track and Trace system if required.
Please do NOT attend the group if you or a member of your family have any symptoms (high temperature - 38 degrees centigrade or above, new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell), congestion or runny nose, cough, diarrhoea or vomiting or if you think you are unwell.
Please notify Claire Rowley if you or a member of your family have symptoms, tested positive for Coronavirus or have been advised by the NHS Track and Trace to isolate at home
No other family member/ friend can attend the group with you
Parents MUST wear a face covering on arrival, on leaving and moving around the building. Removal of face covering when seated at your individual chair/mat is permitted.
Please sanitise your hands with available alcoholic gel on arrival
Please only bring essential items eg. towels, tissues, nappies, wipes, distraction toy, feed, water bottle etc. No sharing of these items is permitted
Care routines eg. nappy changing, feeding must be undertaken at the chair/mat allocated to you and we ask that you take your own waste home
Story Bees

After much deliberation, Maddie decided to keep Story Bees classes online for the time being. She felt that the classes would have been unrecognisable with all of the COVID measures in place and she would rather produce a high-quality online experience than such diminished face-to-face classes!
As a consequence, she now has various online activities up and running:
Families can sign up to half-termly blocks of classes presented through a private Facebook group. These include weekly story time videos along with a bank of creative and imaginative activities and resources to keep your little ones busy at home all week! The new term starts on 2nd Nov.
She also runs a free weekly Zoom rhyme time and story session with simple craft ideas, live from Burley Library on Tuesday mornings.
For more information on any of these options, please get in touch by email (storybees@outlook.com) or via the Story Bees Facebook page.
Here are a couple of testimonials from parents who are signed up for the current block of classes:
"Story Bees is great! Maddie comes up with such interesting and varied activities for kids of all ages to enjoy. It's not just fun, it's creative and educational. The activities keep the kids busy and entertained all week."
"Story Bees is a huge hit in our house. We love watching Maddie read the story each week and our 5-year-old gets very cross if we watch it whilst she's at school! So much thought goes into the activities and they keep us entertained all week."