Don't regret not having photos of your bump!

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

Evidence from the web and from real Mums (who have been in the studio for newborn photos) suggests that if you don't get photos of your pregnant tummy there is a big chance you'll regret it...

I totally appreciate that whilst pregnant most women don't feel like themselves. But one day you'll look back and realise that is the magic of being pregnant. You're not yourself... that bump will disappear.. and you may miss it/ regret not having any photos of it. 

My maternity photoshoots are for any shape and sized Mum to be. Think classy, simple and natural. With no pressure to do anything you don't want to.

I know a range of techniques using different lighting to make you look fabulous and I own a selection of beautiful dresses that you can wear to show off all your bumps in the right places.

Still not convinced? Then at least try a mini maternity shoot. It only lasts 30 minutes of your 394,200 minute pregnant life and you'll have photos you can keep forever.